Friday, August 17, 2012

Blueberry Festival

Did you know that Alaska has wonderful weather for growing blueberries. They grow so much that they even have a blueberry festival every year. It takes places in Girdwood, Alaska. It was a fun day of events. They had several blueberry treats, including my favorite, a blueberry cream cheese pastry with dark chocolate on top.
I liked it so much, I made Lindy get one!
 The festival is held at the Alyeska Resort. This place is magnificent. It sits high in the mountains and it a great winter sporting resort. They have mountains that are 3000+ above sea level. We rode the sky lift up to one of the mountain peaks. 

 This was one of the first commercial sky slopes in the Anchorage area. It has been the training site for my World Cup and Olympian skiers. 
 The view was amazing, as always in Alaska. I reached the top and look over the edge, and could not believe how lovely this world truly is. 

There still was snow up there on the mountains. I was even able to create a little snowball. 
 It was weird standing in snow in August. You can tell I was not prepared for this. I'm definitely wearing flip flops. It wasn't cold, but snow like this, just won't melt.

Plus there were guys para-sailing off the mountain and young boys mountain biking down the slopes. I'm adventurous, but not that adventurous. All in all it was a great day.
If you look hard you can see
them on the bike trails. Crazy Boys!
As Always, With Affection.

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