Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Finally Made It To Alaska

After a full day of travelling, Lindy and I have arrived in Alaska. The journey was not without some hiccups. We will begin with the luggage "scenario". Each checked bagged for a Delta flight must weight <50lbs or it cost $1 per pound extra. My luggage weighted 59 lbs. After a mass panic and some swift rearranging between my carry-on and suitcase, I managed to get it to 51lbs and the baggage handler let it slide.
The rest of our flying experience was great. Even the 6 hours flight from Minnesota to Anchorage. We traveled over Canada for a large portion of our flight. We even saw the Yukon, which is the second highest mountain peak of both the United States and Canada.
We made it to Alaska and to our rental car office, and another "scenario" occurred. When doing the initial inspection of our rental car, I may have locked the keys and our luggage in the car :-/  The rental guy spent an hour trying to break into the car. But finally we got in!
We eventually made it to the gorgeous home we are staying at while in Alaska. I have been awake for almost 24 hours and need sleep. Since the sun DOES NOT set in Anchorage this time of year, I have taped aluminum foil over the window in my bedroom to block out the light. Good night lower 48.
As Always, With Affection

P.S. Thank you to my sweet friend Kasey for giving me and Lindy a ride to the airport.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Packing for Alaska

Hello All!

This is my first post about my travels...
I am currently packing for my trip to Alaska. I will be there the entire month of August. Since the temperature in Alaska ranges from 40-70 degrees, I need all types of clothing. So far I have filled up my Vera Bradley garment bag. This will be my carry-on bag. I will have a few business outfits, my White Coat, my Northface jacket and some toiletries. If my luggage is lost, at least I'll have the most important items. I also have a Vera Bradley computer bag, which will be my personal item. (If you can't tell I am addicted to Vera Bradley!) I'm still working on the my large suitcase, it's getting stuffed. As you can see, my puppy Kingston, is helping me pack. 
He will be staying with my parents while I'm gone. I'm happy that the Olympics is on. That plus a few glasses of sangria are keeping me from stressing about packing for a month.

~As Always, With Affection